The “Regio – accomplishments and perspectives in the Bucharest –Ilfov region” Conference”
On December 7th, 2011, the Bucharest - Ilfov Regional Development Agency organized the "Regio - achievements and prospects in the Buhcarest-Ilfov region" conference.
During this event the experiences and results of the Regio implementation - Bucharest- Ilfov Regional Operational Program, were presented and debated, for the four years' period that has passed since the commencement of this program in the Bucharest- Ilfov region and at national level. The perspectives of the regional development in the following period were also approached.
The agenda of the meeting and the presented materials can be accessed from the adjoining menu.
Articles published in the press. Articole aparute in presa
Agenda Constructiilor: The 10%absorption rate of European funds in the Bucharest-Ilfov region
Bursa Constructiilor: In the first half of 2012 BIRDA shall have major contracts
Capital: Bucharest, full o video cameras from European money Bucure?tiul
Capital: The monuments in Bucharest, refurbished with European money