Events - Regio Adrbi



Seminar de informare Regio DMI 4.2 si 5.1

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov a organizat in data de 22.09.2008, un seminar de informare pentru potentialii beneficiari ai domeniilor majore de interventie 5.1 "Restaurarea si valorificarea durabila a patrimoniului cultural si crearea/modernizarea infrastructurilor conexe" si 4.2 "Reabilitarea siturilor industriale poluate si neutilizate si pregatirea pentru noi activitati" din cadrul Programului Operational Regional (REGIO).

Seminar de informare Regio DMI 4.1 si 5.2

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov a organizat in data de 27.05.2008, un seminar de informare pentru potentialii beneficiari ai domeniilor majore de interventie 4.1 "Dezvoltarea durabila a structurilor de sprijinire a afacerilor de importanta regionala si locala" si 5.2 "Crearea/dezvoltarea/modernizarea infrastructurii de turism pentru valorificarea resurselor naturale si cresterea calitatii serviciilor turistice" din Programul Operational Regional (REGIO).

Seminar de informare Regio DMI 4.3

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov a organizat in data de 9.04.2008, un seminar de informare pentru potentialii beneficiari ai domeniului major de interventie 4.3 "Sprijinirea microintreprinderilor" din Programul Operational Regional (REGIO).

Lansare POR Bucuresti-Ilfov

Laszlo Borbely, Ministrul Dezvoltarii, Lucrarilor Publice si Locuintelor, Gabriel Friptu, Directorul General al Autoritatii de Management pentru Programul Operational Regional din cadrul Ministerului Dezvoltarii, Lucrarilor Publice si Locuintelor, Adriean Videanu, Presedintele Consiliului pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti - Ilfov, si Dan Nicula, Directorul Agentiei pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti - Ilfov au lansat, la Bucuresti, Programul Operational Regional la nivelul Regiunii Bucuresti - Ilfov.

Seminar for promoting the results of Regio implementation – September 12th 2012

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized on September 12th, 2012, together with the InfoEuropa Center within the Ministry of European Affairs the Seminar for promoting Regio implementation: “News in the Bucharest-Ilfov region in the implementation of REGIO”, at the headquarters of the Center, 88 Calea Victoriei, Bucharest.

Reunion of the regional network of the BI communicators REGIO - September 2012

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organzied, on September 12th 2012, the reunion of the Regio communicators regional network, within which there were discussions regarding the issues to date of the implementation stage of the operational programs and current activities of the regional network. The agenda of the event is available in the adjoining menu. Photo gallery

Meeting for correlating the intermediary bodies for operational programs in the Bucharest-Ilfov region – September 2012

BIRDA organized on September 12th, 2012, a meeting which focused on correlating the activities of the intermediary bodies within the region. The event included a presentation regarding the stage of the operational programs within the Bucharest-Ilfov region and the priorities of BIRDA IB in the field of communication in 2012. Photo gallery

BI REGIO Cafe - September 2012

On September 12th, 2012, BIRDA organized the traditional meeting with the mass-media, BI REGIO CAFE. During this event the mass-media representatives were informed regarding the stage of REGIO implementation in the Bucharest-Ilfov region. Photo gallery

Seminar for promoting the results of Regio implementation – July 31st, 2012

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized on July 31st, 2012, together with the InfoEuropa Center within the Ministry of European Affairs, a seminar for promoting the results of Regio implementation: "News regarding REGIO implementation in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region".

The “Development opportunities in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region” Information Caravan - July 26th, 2012

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) shall organize on July 26th, 2012, the “Development opportunities in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region” Information Caravan, together with JICA ALUMNI ROMANIA.

Meeting for correlating the intermediary bodies for operational programs and NRDP in Bucharest-Ilfov - July 2012

BIRDA organized on July 26th, 2012, a meeting which had as subject matter correlating the activities of the intermediary bodies in the region. During this event the stage of the operational programs in the Bucharest –Ilfov region was also presented. Photo gallery

REGIO IER Caravan – June 27th 2012

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized on June 27th, 2012, the “Development opportunities in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region” Information Caravan, together with the Romanian Economic Institute.

Information seminar regarding the activity of the thematic groups for preparing the 2014-2020 Regional Development Plan

On May 31st 2012, the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency organized in collaboration with the City Hall of District 2, an information seminar regarding the activity of the thematic groups in order to prepare the 2014-2020 Regional Development Plan.

Bucharest-Ilfov Events in Bruxelles 2014

Under the aegis of the 12th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities - OPEN DAYS 2014, the biggest profile event organized by the Committee of the Regions and the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy - DG REGIO, European Commission, we organize a series of events meant to promote at international and European level the results achieved so far in implementing regional development REGIO projects, as success stories.

OPEN DAYS SIDE EVENT: Bucharest-Ilfov Region – urban-rural integration

Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (ADRBI), with the support of the Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union and Ms MEP Ana-Claudia Ţapardel, organized on 14th of October 2015 an event within the European Week of Regions and Cities - OPEN DAYS 2015. There were presented results achieved through implementation of regional development projects as success stories.