European Commission
The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union, an institution politically independent of the Member States Governments that represents the overall interests of the European Union. In the general political guidelines set by the European Union Council it prepares and implements the decisions of the European Union Council and European Parliament.
Authority for Structural Instruments
The Authority for Structural Instruments within the Ministry of Economy and Finance acts as the national grant coordinator in the relation with the EU. In its capacity of national coordinator of EU grants, ASI coordinates the preparation and operation of the legislative, institutional and procedural framework for the management of structural instruments and on the other hand it schedules, coordinates, monitors and evaluates the use of grants.
The Management Authority of the 2007-2013
Regional Operational Program (MA ROP) is the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing that has the responsibility of managing, administrating and implementing the grants allocated to this program.
Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Program (MC ROP)
Its role is of ensuring the efficiency and quality of Regional Program implementation. The responsibilities of MC ROP also include approving and reviewing the selection and evaluation criteria of the projects funded by ROP and approving the procedures established by MC ROP regarding ROP implementation, monitoring and evaluation.