Completion of the “Bucharest-Ilfov PRO REGIO Project”
The project was implemented with non-reimbursable funding from
priority axis 6 "Technical assistance", key area of intervention
6.2 "Supporting information and publicity activities for Regio
"Bucharest-Ilfov Pro Regio" developed in the Bucharest-Ilfov
region in the 2007-2009 period and had a total value of 212,265 LEI
out of which 159,198.75 LEI from the European Development Fund and
53,066.25 LEI co-funded from the state budged. The main objective
of the project was that of increasing the level of information,
transparency and awareness, and creating a coherent image of
assistance granted by the European Commission for the target groups
in the Bucharest Ilfov region.
Main results:
51 events meant to inform the target groups of the region,
attended by over 2,000 participants; over 1,950 answers to specific
information requests through the information office (email: helpdesk@adrbi.ro ); over
20,000 information materials were printed; the regional network of
Regio communicators was established; the website www.regioadrbi.ro was created
for the Bucharest-Ilfov Regio and was visited by over 67,000