Completing the “PRO REGIO 2010 Bucharest-Ilfov” program
The project was implemented with financing from priority axis VI
of Regio - Regional Operational Program, key area of intervention
6.2, "Supporting the information and advertising activities for the
Regio implementation".
The project was implemented in the Municipality of Bucharest and
in the Ilfov County, during 2010, having a total value of 146,377
The objective of the contract: increasing the level of information
and transparency of Regio, raising awareness and creating a
coherent image of the assistance provided by the European
Commission for the development of the Bucharest-Ilfov Region
through the means of Regio.
The activities included: developing the activity of the
information office and of the www.regioadrbi.ro website, as well as
organizing thematic events for refining the information about