Specifications on the minimis aid granted to microenterprises - Regio Adrbi


Specifications on the minimis aid granted to microenterprises

In accordance with the provisions of the Minimis aid scheme for supporting microenterprises for key area of intervention “Supporting the development of microenterprises” within priority axis “Supporting the development of the regional and local business environment” within the 2007-2013 Regional Operational Program, approved through the Order of the minister of development, public works and housing no. 144/2008, with the subsequent amendments and additions, the total value of the minimis aid granted to an enterprise that operates in the field of road transport shall not exceed the amount of 100.000 Euros for a period of three fiscal years. This ceiling shall be applied regardless of the objective within the project proposed for financing.

The eligibility declaration has to be filled in (prepared during the pre-contractual on-site visit) to confirm the compliance with all the eligibility conditions, including applying in a correct manner the specific conditions of the minimis aid.

The new model of the eligibility declaration shall be applied to the financing requests for which the pre-contractual on-site visit takes places starting as of January18th, 2011 and it shall include a new point through which the applicant shall confirm it operates or not in the road transportation sector.

The new point in the eligibility declaration refers to the entire activity carried out by the applicant and not to the field of activity proposed through the financing request.

In the event in which, during the pre-contractual stage it shall be acknowledged that the value of the requested non-reimbursable financing exceeds the applicable limit above mentioned, the contracting of the project shall be conditioned by the appropriate modification of the project budget.

Download the eligibility declaration
