Information regarding the RON/EUR exchange rate used in the contracting process of KAI 4.3 - Regio Adrbi


Information regarding the RON/EUR exchange rate used in the contracting process of KAI 4.3

In the process of approving the funding contracts with the purpose of avoiding delays, caused by the need of reviewing budgets consequently to the variation of the Infoeuro rate, the Management Authority of the 2007 - 2013 Regional Operational Program within the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism decided to use a fixed exchange rate of 4.29 RON/EUR in the process of assessing and approving the funding contracts, respectively assessing the conformity of the requested non-reimbursable funding with the minimis limit. The exchange rate aforementioned shall be used to assess the funding contracts that will be sent to MA ROP for approval, starting with January, 1st and ending with June, and 30th 2011. The funding applicants, whose projects are in the pre-contractual stage, need to update the budgets of their projects (or the table of funding sources), where the case may be.