REGIO KAI 3.2 Caravan - Regio Adrbi


REGIO KAI 3.2 Caravan

Within this information caravan the BIRDA experts presented funding opportunities for potential beneficiaries of KAI 3.2, "Rehabilitation / modernization / development and equipping the social service infrastructure", in the following locations:

September, 23rd 2010 - General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 4


September, 28th 2010 - "Don Orione" Center, Voluntari


October, 13th 2010 - Philanthropic Social Sector of the Archdiocese of Bucharest


The following subjects were discussed: eligibility criteria (applicant, activities, and expenses), stages of documentation preparation corresponding to the funding file, the situation of the CF for KAI 3.2, evaluation stages and criteria, implementation of projects, reimbursement of expenses.